
Website launch!

Thanks to my friend John Cockrell for the design and hard work, my website is now much spiffier and more customized. The downloads that...

Color a Sound reimagined

I have been sharing the code for my piece Color a Sound with whoever contacts me. Today I just got a message about...


Fall 2009 In preparation for my thesis show, I began developing a series of pieces involving different uses of live visuals in relation to...


Fall 2008 Max/MSP/Jitter I've always been interested in using extended exposure photography, but I was always frustrated with the lack of real time feedback and...


Mysl Spring 2006 Custom Hardware+Max/MSP Using a BASIC Stamp, three distance sensors, and a gutted Mac Classic, I developed an interface to use with my Max/MSP...

Thesis – A Visualist’s Practice

[download id="1459"](Right Click and select "Save As") A Visualist's Practice the the culmination of my two years in the MFA program at Rensselaer Polytechnic...


Spring 2007 Max/MSP/Jitter This project was a collaboration between myself, Zane Van Dusen and Kyle McDonald. Using Max/MSP and Jitter we created a network video...