Jitter example: Color Channel Delay

18 Oct Jitter example: Color Channel Delay

I’ve always had trouble with the jit.matrixset object so this was sort of an excuse to play with it a little more. Someone had asked a question about this kind of effect on a Cycling 74 forum a few weeks ago, so I decided to try and re-create it recently with pretty decent results. I commented the hell out of it so you should be able to figure out what’s going on if you’re curious. Hopefully this will be the beginning of a series of Jitter examples…I will post lightpainting and the color a sound patch very soon. In the meantime, enjoy this one and let me know if you’re having difficulties in the comments:

Max/MSP/Jitter - Color channel delay example (1576 downloads)  (Right click and choose “Save As”)

Click images for full sized version: