Jitter example: Color Channel Delay
I've always had trouble with the jit.matrixset object so this was sort of an excuse to play with it a little more. Someone...
I've always had trouble with the jit.matrixset object so this was sort of an excuse to play with it a little more. Someone...
Thanks to my friend John Cockrell for the design and hard work, my website is now much spiffier and more customized. The downloads that...
Every single image from 10,000 items or less is now available as a torrent on the Pirate Bay. Quite a few people have...
Thanks to my friend Rob Ray, my video piece 10,000 items or less is now in Drunken Boat issue #12. For this I...
I have been sharing the code for my piece Color a Sound with whoever contacts me. Today I just got a message about...
I will be performing at a few different festivals/shows during September. Here goes: Show at EMPAC in Troy, NY on Wednesday, Sept 8th. Here...
Fall 2009 In preparation for my thesis show, I began developing a series of pieces involving different uses of live visuals in relation to...
Fall 2008 Max/MSP/Jitter I've always been interested in using extended exposure photography, but I was always frustrated with the lack of real time feedback and...
Mysl Spring 2006 Custom Hardware+Max/MSP Using a BASIC Stamp, three distance sensors, and a gutted Mac Classic, I developed an interface to use with my Max/MSP...
[download id="1459"](Right Click and select "Save As") A Visualist's Practice the the culmination of my two years in the MFA program at Rensselaer Polytechnic...
Spring 2007 Max/MSP/Jitter This project was a collaboration between myself, Zane Van Dusen and Kyle McDonald. Using Max/MSP and Jitter we created a network video...