Demo Reel 2011
My demo reel of several projects I've worked on over the last few years....
My demo reel of several projects I've worked on over the last few years....
My top 10 albums of 2010 in no particular order...
An expanded example patch for 1024's Bezier warp patch. Gives you all 16 control points and allows for point storage....
A few cobbled together examples for Jean-Marc Pelletiier's jit.freenect object in Max/MSP which allows full control over the Microsoft Kinect....
Nam June Paik's Wobbulator. A documentary style video, and brief description of this famous piece of visual equipment....
Enter a pitch black room. Bring nothing inside with you. 1. Using just your body, make every kind of sound you can think of....
When posting Twitfeed and Wiipaint, I forgot about this other example of mine. It was one of my first attempts at using QC...
Just a couple old examples that people used to ask for or could possibly find useful. The first is good ol' WiiPaint which...
The first of 4 or 5 videos that I churned out at my residency at the experimental television center. Both of these were...
Saturday was mostly a blur of activity. I hit a kind of lull at the end of friday in terms of thinking of...
I feel like I'm starting to run out of steam today. Yesterday felt comparatively productive, but I'm not too upset since I've been...
Whew..long day..hence making this post after midnight. After another lesson on the Sandin video manipulator and the Jones sequencer, I had a full...
Tomorrow I'm making a trip to Owego, NY (near Binghamton) for a 5 day residency at the Experimental Television Center. I hope to...
I've been trying to think of ideas for my time at the Experimental television center next week and haven't come up with anything...