Quartz composer examples: Twitfeed and WiiPaint for VDMX

04 Nov Quartz composer examples: Twitfeed and WiiPaint for VDMX

Just a couple old examples that people used to ask for or could possibly find useful. The first is good ol’ WiiPaint which is a sort of lame way to use a Wiimote with VDMX or quartz composer, but it allows for drawing, erasing and color changes.

Quartz Composer - WiiPaint (574 downloads)

I also made a quick patch out of the RSS feed reader patch in Quartz and set it to search for tweets and display them in real time. It is a good choice for overlays at an event where there is a specific #hashtag. It displays each tweet and allows for control of color, and duration of each tweet, as well as accepting text input for a search term. Enjoy! PLEASE NOTE: DUE TO TWITTER API CHANGES IN JUNE 2013 THE RSS FEED NO LONGER WORKS. Sorry 🙁  Quartz Composer - Twitfeed quartz comp (1393 downloads)