19 Sep Survey of Alternative Displays
Read this article online here
Here is a link to the full PDF of my Survey of Alternative Displays:
::::::::::: Survey_of_Alternative_Displays_0919a.pdf (3874 downloads)
(Some formatting got altered when exporting to PDF and links were lost on image captions – here is the docx version as an alternative: Alt_Displays_Formatted_Rough_v6_Final.docx (5431 downloads) – document formatting is a nightmare)
Please share, use for teaching, whatever you need – I made this as a resource for others. I’m hoping this helps continue the trend of finding new ways to work with light and information. Would be great to be credited where appropriate.
Here are some of the other things I’ve written along these lines that you may find helpful:
How to keep an Installation up forever
Guide to Projectors for Interactive Installations
Guide to Cameras for Interactive Installations